Here is Elizabeth!! I braided her hair a while ago sat that would be all pretty for the photo's!! I love how her eyes sparkle!!
It's Felicity!! She looks so peaceful.
Kit Kit Kit!!!! Yup that's right it's Kit!!! I just love this photo of her!!!
Rebecca!!! She looks so pretty in this photo!!
E: Hey I thought I was the pretty one!!!
And now for some group photo's,
(yeah I know not the greatest. it has my knee and my hair in it.)
This picture is SO cool!!!
Well that's what iv'e got for now!!
Abbie R and The dolls,
AN OVERLOAD OF CUTENESS!!!!! All of you girls are bee-you-TIFUL! Congratz on your new profile pictures, we need to update ours! LOL!
Molly, Josefina and Cecile!
Thanks!!! You guys should do a Spring photo shoot to!!!