Monday, April 29, 2013

Rosalia's Adventure

Ro = Rosalia

Ro: Today I am going on an ADVENTURE!!!!! I darted out of the room, around the corner, and down the stairs. 

I stood there, the whole room was huge!!!! And clean, unlike Mama's room (xD!). I started to wander forward,

Oh wow, I scampered over to the chair,

I started climbing up it,

I made it to the top, when all of the sudden,

I fell!!!! It hurt really bad, I rolled over and sat up,

It hurt in my side and foot! And my hair came undone and was all messy!!

I heard someone coming, I looked up, it was Mama. She sighed and picked me up, she found my hair scrunchy and put my hair back in a pony tail. 

My adventuring was over for now. 

The doll,

Sunday, April 28, 2013

To much drama,

K = Kit?
M = Molly?

M: I truly can't believe it, mama's renaming us! For a doll, renaming is common, but it still is a lot to put on somebody's shoulders, I mean, how would you feel if you had to give up your name and change yourself, everything is different! Your no longer Molly, your now -------!!!! All's well that end's well. Though I have to admit the new first and middle names that mama chose for us are pretty nice, my new name is now: Charlotte Indiana Carter, not to shabby if you ask me. I mean to me and Kit we will always be Kit and Molly, but to everyone else, I'm Charlie (short for Charlotte), and Kit's well, let Kit tell you,

K: Molly took the words right out of my mouth! I have to say, I actually like my new boyish name. Though my middle name could be better. Ryder Brook Carter, sounds nice. I think I like it.

The dolls,

PS: Check out our profiles to see our new names,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ro's Diary Entry 1

Ro = Rosalia

Ro: *Writing in her diary*

April, 17th, 2013,

Deer Diary. 

My new family is so weerd! Thay are keep tr-I-ing to chanje me! I give muchas gracias if they wood stop! tal vez debería intentar cambiar them, but if I tryed to chanje Elizabeth she would just get mad at me! And now mama wants me to reed a book, I don't no how to reed vary well! And all theese American words, and thair spelling are confusing! I just lernd from mama that tryed is not spelled tryed, it's spelled tried, but if it's the word try, then shouldn't it be tryed? english wurds are confewsing! And mama sayed I'm not aloud to speek spanish anymoor, til I can speek english core-ect-lee!!! O well, 

Rosalia Consuelo Maria Carter,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Little Sister

A = Abbie
M = Molly
Ro = ?

M: Um someone new joined the family, I am supposed to post about it through my point of view, here it goes.

Mama walked into the room, In her arms was a doll, she looked a lot younger then us.

A: These are your new sisters!

Mama was talking to the little girl, a thought ran through my head; 'This is the new adopted sister mama told us she was adopting! Oh great, now I will have a little girl in my hair, messing with Isaac, sneaking into my lab, playing with my never working inventions,'

Mama put the, I have to admit, sweet and shy looking girl down, mama left us to introduce ourselves while she created her bed.

Ro: Hola, my name is, is, is, Rosalia,  ¿Hay alguien aquí que hable español?

I looked at our new little sister, another thought formed in my head 'I'm no longer the new girl, and I'm no longer the youngest either, and this poor girl can barely speak English! wait I'm a genius, my IQ is 240 and I can speak Spanish, this will be fun!'

M: I speak spanish sweety!

Ro: Oh bien! Mi nombre es Rosalía, pero todo el mundo me llama Ro,

M: Soy Molly, y estos son sus otras hermanas, Kit, Rebecca, Felicity, y Elizabeth.

Ro: Uh huh,

M: So that's how we ended up with a younger sister! Now here are some pics, Oh and Ro also has profile, even if she's non AG, she IS our sister. And I almost forgot, out ages just changed, yup we all went up a year in age! Check out our profile page to see for yourself,

A: Sweet little Ro,

Ro next to her big sister, Elizabeth.


Well that's it for now! Check out the profile page to see Ro's new profile!

The dolls and Abbie R,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Photo shoot with; Elizabeth, Felicity, and Rebecca!

E = Elizabeth,
F = Felicity,
R = Rebecca,
A = Abbie,

F: So Mama decided yet ANOTHER photo shoot was in order,


R: עס איז שפּאַס, איך ווי מיין בילדער,

E: I,

A: Thank you for your attention, now I will be talking for the rest of this post, anyway, let's get to the pictures! WARNING: MAY BE PIC HEAVY!

In this one, I "hid" Rebecca in the Daffodil blades, sadly they were done blooming,

I thought this photo was pretty, but it could use some work.

This photo is extremely pretty, the Tulips look fake, but yes they are real! The contrast is nice, red stands out, but I could do without the shadow of me taking the picture.

As you can see, this was sort of a failure, it was supposed to be a far away of Felicity, but was a bit to far away.

I had  two copies of this photo; this one, and one from closer up. This one was my personal favorite. Felicity looks like she's just enjoying a view.

This one was interesting, it took forever to get the lighting correct and once it was, I LOVED the look of it!

This photo is nice, but the pose is quite common.

The angle on this one gave her a whimsical look, Though her gaze good be a little bit softer.

This one was REALLY pretty, Felicity's eyes are so green that sometimes she looks like a ghost, but a pose like this is just perfect!

I LOVE this photo of Felicity! The 'from slightly behind' angle works PERFECTLY!!!

Pretty Elizabeth, 

This photo of Elizabeth is very pretty, and resembles Snow White, don't you think?

I tend to like head shots like this, don't know why, but anyway, it's a really pretty photo!

Um, pretty basic photo, still pretty. (:

Pretty flowers,


(OUT OF ORDER!!) Here is a VERY very very very very very very very very very very very very, very, pretty picture of Elizabeth sitting in a "field".

So those were the photo's! Please comment telling us which ones you like best,

The dolls and Abbie R,

PS: That language that Rebecca was speaking, was Yiddish.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An unwanted announcement,

E = Elizabeth,
F = Felicity,
K = Kit,
R = Rebecca,
M = Molly,
MK = Mini Kaya,
MMG = Mini M-G,
A = Me (Mama, AKA Abbie!)

All the dolls, including the minis, were sitting in Elizabeth's room. They were waiting on their mother to arrive, she had mentioned something about an announcement. Everyone was anxiously waiting, it seemed like this little pow wow would never start. As mama arrived everyone shifted positions a little.

A: I have an announcement,

I stopped talking and paused for a minute,

K: Well what is it?

A: I am going to, adopt another sister!

Elizabeth turned her head away in shock, and anger.

Felicity stared off into space, trying to process the news.

Rebecca jerked her head away so quickly in anger, that her curls tumbled around and caught under her chin.

Because Kaya was just a young mini doll, all she could do was glance nervously at the others.

Marie-Grace turned her head and like Kaya , Glanced nervously at everyone.

A: I didn't mean for it to be so sudden, I know that Molly has just settled in but.... 

Kit leaned into Molly, tears streaming down her face. Molly just stood there in total shock, even her genius IQ of 240 couldn't help her now.

Kit snaked her hand out around Molly's waist. Even though Kit was older, Molly was more mature. 

Molly did her best to not fall over while wearing her heels. Even though she felt it would be easier to just collapse.

I reached my hand out, Rebecca took it earnestly. At least I knew that my dolls weren't mad at me completely.

The dolls and Abbie R,

PS: We finally got Molly's profile up, Check it out!

Monday, April 1, 2013


E = Elizabeth,
F = Felicity,
K = Kit,
R = Rebecca,
M = Molly,

E: Okay so we have a SUPER special surprise but we want to keep it tip top secret so please SCROLL DOWN!!!

F: A bit farther mi Amigo!

K: Scroll,

R: All-Moo-stah there!!!

M: THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS!!! Just keep scrolling,

R: ו! איך בין אַזוי יקסייטאַד פֿאַר זיי צו זען אונדזער יבערראַשן!!!!!

F: Oh sorry, Rebecca has given up speaking Russian, so she switched to YIDDISH!!!!!!

M: איך טאַקע ליבע בעת אַ יק פון 240, מייַן יק איז אַזוי ווייַט אויבן דורכשניטלעך אַז איך האָבן פאקטיש מאַסטערד גערעדט 63 פאַרשידענע שפּראַכן!!! און איבער פופציק פאַרשידענע מאַרשאַל קונסט!!!!! היי איצט מיר און רעבעקקאַ קענען רעדן אין פּריוואַט!!!! און אויב מוטער אַדאַפּץ אַז ביסל שוועסטער באַלד ווי זי פּלאַנז, איך נאָר האָפֿן איך רעדן איר שפּראַך וועלכער עס איז!!!! אָה און האַלטן סקראָללינג!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E: Your almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E,F,K,R,M: HA HA HA!!!! we made you scroll all this way for nothing!!!!! HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!!!!!

The dolls,