Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An unwanted announcement,

E = Elizabeth,
F = Felicity,
K = Kit,
R = Rebecca,
M = Molly,
MK = Mini Kaya,
MMG = Mini M-G,
A = Me (Mama, AKA Abbie!)

All the dolls, including the minis, were sitting in Elizabeth's room. They were waiting on their mother to arrive, she had mentioned something about an announcement. Everyone was anxiously waiting, it seemed like this little pow wow would never start. As mama arrived everyone shifted positions a little.

A: I have an announcement,

I stopped talking and paused for a minute,

K: Well what is it?

A: I am going to, adopt another sister!

Elizabeth turned her head away in shock, and anger.

Felicity stared off into space, trying to process the news.

Rebecca jerked her head away so quickly in anger, that her curls tumbled around and caught under her chin.

Because Kaya was just a young mini doll, all she could do was glance nervously at the others.

Marie-Grace turned her head and like Kaya , Glanced nervously at everyone.

A: I didn't mean for it to be so sudden, I know that Molly has just settled in but.... 

Kit leaned into Molly, tears streaming down her face. Molly just stood there in total shock, even her genius IQ of 240 couldn't help her now.

Kit snaked her hand out around Molly's waist. Even though Kit was older, Molly was more mature. 

Molly did her best to not fall over while wearing her heels. Even though she felt it would be easier to just collapse.

I reached my hand out, Rebecca took it earnestly. At least I knew that my dolls weren't mad at me completely.

The dolls and Abbie R,

PS: We finally got Molly's profile up, Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Poor girls! Well, they'll warm up to her. I've seen the post where they meet her, and I think she is adorable!
