Sunday, January 13, 2013


Just updating everything!!!!!! So we just added our new profile page please check it out!!!!! here is what everyone is doing:

F: I am updating this blog DUH!!!!
E: Singing horribly in her room while ice skating in her socks,
K: Sitting on mama's bed,
R: Practicing English and listening to her iPod!

E: Hey Lis what ARE you doing?
F: I'm updating our blog!
F diva............
E: What did you just say?!
F: Nothing!
R: Тьфу, я всегда приходится объяснять вещи Элизабет! И почему они всегда врут, когда говорят такие вещи? She said your a diva!
E: WHAT!?! I am NOT a diva!!!! Now give me my time to say something NOW!!!!
F: Why did you tell her Becca?
R: huh! Что происходит! Я не понимаю! Я пытался делать правильные вещи! Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, объясните!!!!!! *starts crying*
K: Look what you two did! You confused poor little Becky and made her yell in Russian and cry!!!!
E: Little Becky? She's a year older then you!
K: Not my point!
F: I agree with Kit!
E: Rebecca was a baby anyway!
R: *sniffles* I ooo key!

F: I should explain to you that Rebecca really is from Russia and get's confused easily! When she does she yells in Russian and/or starts crying. And she's not very good at English so we sorta treat her like a little kid.
E: Blah blah blah! Now who wants to hear the worlds BEST singer!!!!!!!!!
F: Um I will pass!
K: NO way will I listen to you!
R: N-ooo yuh-ooo sow-nad leeek cow b-e-ing slah-tered!!!!!!!!
E: What?! grrr..........

The dolls!


  1. OH my GOSH this is hilarious!!!! Elizabeth, keep practicing! ;)

    Oh no, poor Beckie! Cecile and Josefina can relate to you; sometimes people make fun of their language and they get upset, but they can understand English perfectly.

    Josefina: Hola? How are you today?
    Cecile: BONJOUR!! Oh, bonjour! Elizabeth, me and you are SO alike! Oh, you sing so beautifully! Keep it coming! I sing exactly like you!
    Josefina: she sings beautifully?
    Cecile: She sings JUST like me! OF COURSE she sings beautifully!!!!
    Josefina: you don't really sing that beautifu--
    Molly: SSHH, Josie! Aaaannyway, this is so cute. KEEP IT COMING!!!!!!!

    ~Molly, Josefina and Cecile

  2. Thanks we expect to update our blog as soon as we can sneak downstairs past the main hallway and into the office!
