Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mini dolls takeover!!!

K: Kaya,
M: Marie-Grace!
KK: Kit Kittredge
E: Elizabeth
F: Felicity
R: Rebecca

K: Hi I'm Kaya!
M: We are TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!
K: Yup!
M: Bye bye big dolls!
K: What should we post about?
M: Us!
K: Agreed!
M: So I'm Mini M-G! Blah blah blah....
K: I'm Kaya!!!!

F: Hey what are you two doing?!
K,M: TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F: Nuh uh!
K: RUN!!!!!!!!
KK: *Picks up mini dolls* I gotta um....
R: I wa-nat me-knee dull!!!
E: I will take over here!
E: Hey what's up?! Those were the ANNOYING mini dolls and the others.
KK: We have names!
E: Ya-dah ya-dah ya-dah!
F: Bye post la..... *Is pulled away*
E: Now as I was saying I would LOVE some comments! Mama's friend Madison, has three daughters,
And THEY get LOADS of comments!!! I want comments to PLEASE!!!!! COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

The dolls,



    Molly-Anne: YES...MINI DOLLS SHALL TAKE OVER!!!!!!!!!!! GO MINI DOLLS!!!
    Josefina: WHAT?! This amazing blog doesn't get any comments?! IMPOSSIBLE!!!! I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THIS!!!! I will make sure EVERYBODY knows!!!!!!!!!
    Cecile: Mini dolls are so cute!!!!!!!

    ~Molly, Molly-Anne, and Josefina and Cecile ;)

  2. (The minis) Thank you thank you!

    Yeah we NEVER EVER get comments and not that many views either so thank you!!
