Sunday, January 27, 2013


E = Elizabeth
K = Kit

E: Hi it's me Elizabeth!!!! Just wanted to say hi, and delete those pictures of Rebecca.......... As you know I am like the worlds BEST singer and ice skater!!!!!!! So I have a small competition I just did in ice skating and you were supposed to skate and do something else. So I sang a WONDERFUL song by ONE DIRECTION call 'Live while were young'!!!! Sadly I came in 4th do to some mean girls who were total SHOW OFFS!!!!

K: Um hey I need to say this while Elizabeth isn't listening um her song and skating routine STUNK!!!! I don't even have any words to describe it!

E: Bye for now!!!!

The dolls,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hey there!!!

E = Elizabeth,
F = Felicity,
K = Kit,
R = Rebecca,

E: Hi everyone! We just found out that mama is saving up to 'buy' this new girl named Molly!
F: I bet she's a responsible young lady!
K: I heard that her era is WWII......... I guess it will be nice having someone else from around my era......
R: A noter new gurl al reedy?!
F: Yes Rebecca. But trust me once your not the new girl your life is easier.
E: Wait! Does this mean we have to donate some things so that the new girl can have a room?!
R: What I giv way!
F: Elizabeth um.... How do I say this.......... Someone might have to..... share a room! And YOUR the one with the biggest room!!!!
E: I will not let it stand!!!!
K: Live with it Elizabeth.....
R: Shar roo ma?
F: Yes Rebecca share a room!
E,F,K,R: Oh well *sighs*

The dolls,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hey outdoor photos!!!

R = Rebecca

Hi it's Rebecca here I need to explain that sometimes I can speak English clearly and sometimes I can't due to a learning disability. So yeah today mama took me outside for some photos because she realized she had never taken photos of me except for a few earlier here we go!

I love the sunlight in this photo!


Um why did mama put me so high up again?


This is my doll Marta! She was one of my three possessions that 
I brought from Russia! Even though she is old and missing an arm I love her!

Close up of Marta!

Us in the tree together!


The dolls,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mini dolls takeover!!!

K: Kaya,
M: Marie-Grace!
KK: Kit Kittredge
E: Elizabeth
F: Felicity
R: Rebecca

K: Hi I'm Kaya!
M: We are TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!
K: Yup!
M: Bye bye big dolls!
K: What should we post about?
M: Us!
K: Agreed!
M: So I'm Mini M-G! Blah blah blah....
K: I'm Kaya!!!!

F: Hey what are you two doing?!
K,M: TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F: Nuh uh!
K: RUN!!!!!!!!
KK: *Picks up mini dolls* I gotta um....
R: I wa-nat me-knee dull!!!
E: I will take over here!
E: Hey what's up?! Those were the ANNOYING mini dolls and the others.
KK: We have names!
E: Ya-dah ya-dah ya-dah!
F: Bye post la..... *Is pulled away*
E: Now as I was saying I would LOVE some comments! Mama's friend Madison, has three daughters,
And THEY get LOADS of comments!!! I want comments to PLEASE!!!!! COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

The dolls,

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Just updating everything!!!!!! So we just added our new profile page please check it out!!!!! here is what everyone is doing:

F: I am updating this blog DUH!!!!
E: Singing horribly in her room while ice skating in her socks,
K: Sitting on mama's bed,
R: Practicing English and listening to her iPod!

E: Hey Lis what ARE you doing?
F: I'm updating our blog!
F diva............
E: What did you just say?!
F: Nothing!
R: Тьфу, я всегда приходится объяснять вещи Элизабет! И почему они всегда врут, когда говорят такие вещи? She said your a diva!
E: WHAT!?! I am NOT a diva!!!! Now give me my time to say something NOW!!!!
F: Why did you tell her Becca?
R: huh! Что происходит! Я не понимаю! Я пытался делать правильные вещи! Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, объясните!!!!!! *starts crying*
K: Look what you two did! You confused poor little Becky and made her yell in Russian and cry!!!!
E: Little Becky? She's a year older then you!
K: Not my point!
F: I agree with Kit!
E: Rebecca was a baby anyway!
R: *sniffles* I ooo key!

F: I should explain to you that Rebecca really is from Russia and get's confused easily! When she does she yells in Russian and/or starts crying. And she's not very good at English so we sorta treat her like a little kid.
E: Blah blah blah! Now who wants to hear the worlds BEST singer!!!!!!!!!
F: Um I will pass!
K: NO way will I listen to you!
R: N-ooo yuh-ooo sow-nad leeek cow b-e-ing slah-tered!!!!!!!!
E: What?! grrr..........

The dolls!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome to our blog!!!!!!

E = Elizabeth
F = Felicity
K = Kit
R = Rebecca

E :Hey this is OUR blog!!!!! We are Abbie's dolls and we had been wanting a blog for so long so now we FINALLY got one!!!

F: Elizabeth your turn is over to talk!!!

E: Okay!

F: Hi I'm Felicity!!!! The girl I was talking to was Elizabeth!

K: I'm Kit..... I don't like to talk by the way.....

R: I'm Rebecca the new girl!

E: Rebecca stop hogging all the time!!!!

R: I have barely posted a sentence!!!!!

E: Grrr.....

F: BTW Rebecca and Elizabeth don't get along.

E: Well that's it for now post more later!

F,R,and K: ELIZABETH!!!!!!!

E: Uh oh gotta run!!!!

The dolls,