Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mini Marie-Grace's Tree Climbing Peril,

M = Mini Marie-Grace

M: Hello, Today I am going to climb up this tree behind me.

I harnessed up and climbed to the extremely high up landing spot.

I started climbing up some more,

This here is my emergency back up, if I fall I won't get hurt or go that far do to that.

Alright, here I am, sitting on what we call a "perch,"

I climbed up some more, and carefully sat on the branch.

I looked down, Uh oh,

My rope came un-done.

Now the rope was just tied to me, and I had no support to get down!! I used common knowledge and pulled the rope up, tied it to an extremely sturdy branch, 

Then carefully climbed down to the tethering spot for the back up, I rapped it around, made the knot, then made something Kaya showed me, she called it a hanging rope cradle. It made it so that I could sleep through the night,

The next morning, I woke up, I was certainly alive!

My body ached, I stretched, and realized I something,

I could get down easily!!!

All I had to do was un tether the rope and wind it around my arm.

I started to unwind my rope, 

It had taken all day but I had made it!!

I untied my harness and started to make a shelter, it had been almost two days and night was coming quickly.

I made my shelter just like Kaya taught me, using limited amounts of logs (twigs) and leaves.

The next morning I woke up to the sounds of somebody coming,

It was mama!!! And now I am safe in the house, typing away on the computer.

The (Mini) Doll,


  1. AWWW how ADORALE! Mini Marie-Grace you're just so cute :)

    ~Madison and Molly
    Molly-Anne - YOU GO, MARIE-GRACE!! You're my heroine! Bravely sleeping through the night!!

    1. M-G: Thank you, I was super scared sleeping through the night.
