Friday, May 24, 2013

We were awarded!!

F = Felicity,

F: We have been awarded the

Here are some questions for us to answer!!

1. If you could have a "flower pen name" like we have here on our blog, Violets and Daisies what would it be? Periwinkle and Azaleas,

2. What is your favorite ever Bible verse and why? 
Our favorite verse, we would have to say Psalm 56:3, it is a reassuring verse for when your scared. 

3. What are the blogs which inspire you most?
We would have to say, Delightful World of Dolls, American Girl Fan, and Never Grow Up: A mom's guide to dolls.

4. If you and your friends could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
This is a tough one, but I'd say we would go to Ireland. With my red hair and green eyes, I would fit in nicely!

And now to award 5 terrific blogs!

1. Belle's Bulletins- My life as a Disney Fashion Doll,
2. Melody Travels,
3. Madness and Fun,
4. AG fans around the world,
5. Annie's AG blog: An AG fan in the UK,

If you were awarded,

Leave a link to the person who awarded you
Post the award to your blog
Answer the questions
Choose five blogs to receive the award
Let them know they are awarded!

Madison, I copied the questions and instructions from your blog. :p sorry, I was in a rush to type everything.

The Doll,