Monday, August 12, 2013


E = Elizabeth,
R = Rebecca,
L = Lewis,
A = Alice,
S = Samantha,

E: So, we are updating our blog, Hi there!!!

S: Bonjour everyone, Moi is here,

E: Samantha, your French is getting annoying,

Samantha: I can't help it, I'm French.

E: Oh Samantha,

A: Elizabeth, your so, British, 

E: You were to!!! Until you became an AG character and went all out Swedish, HA your new nick name is now Swedish Fish, like the disgusting candy!

A: Well, well,then your new name is, is, Malfoy, the annoying, evil, British, boy from Harry Potter!!

E: Go jump in a lake,

A: Go step on a LEGO!!!!

E: -_- You are pure evil,

L: Stop it you two, your constantly fighting like sisters,


L: Just, stop.

R: Aww.... Your such the good guy Lewis,

L: Whatever makes you happy,

R: AWW!!!! <3

E: I think were gonna stop here before things get more "in depth" Bye,

The Dolls,

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Bonjour, it is me Mademoiselle Samantha Mary Carter, Mary is pronounced more like Mar-ee, I'm actually visiting mama's grandparents right now,

Don't I look lovely?

Well I just wanted to say bonjour and let you know get to know me a little,  

The Doll,